Niall O’Regan

Head of Education & Development – Football Association of Ireland

"The process was extremely smooth, with support throughout and being able to complete the process online and within my own time frame was excellent, as with all of us involved in the game, time is our most valuable resource."

In 2017, I completed the CoachPOP Profile and as a Coach Educator it was one of the most beneficial tools I have used to become self-aware of who I am and why I react and do the things I do on a daily basis. The process was extremely smooth, with support throughout and being able to complete the process online and within my own time frame was excellent, as with all of us involved in the game, time is our most valuable resource. On completion of the Profile, the support, guidance and discussion provided within the 1:1 from Barry has been invaluable to me as a Coach and a Coach Educator. We were able to disuses the results objectively while still gaining an understanding to my subjective behaviours while always aiming at identifying my natural tendencies, and approach to dealing with others. In short, the profile has really given me a reference point to understand how we understand ourselves and then work to better understand those around us. With any such profiling there is the unconscious fear of the right or wrong, or passing or failing, but from the outset this is removed by Barry and he clearly identifies that this is all about you as the coach, working to develop an understanding of who you are and how you have come to be this way and more importantly how this impacts the way you work and the way you work with those around you. The core aim was through self-awareness, I am now able to adapt myself to what does not come naturally by creating strategies to avoid overusing natural strengths and this heightened awareness and ability to strategize is invaluable as a coach and Coach Educator.

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